Sunday, July 7, 2013

Our first day (7/5) with BFR... by Gretchen.

*Sorry for the delayed post. We had some technology difficulty and couldn't get this up before tonight. Working on a few more to have up soon.

The NC crew is doing well and loving our journey this far!

Today The Lord reflected his love for us and for the children in everything. We
spent the afternoon with the children of Best Family Rwanda (BFR). This
organization was started by 3 young men who are survivors of the genocide. They
became orphans after they witnessed their parents and other family members
murdered  right in front of them. They were just 8, 9, and 11 years old. Through
their horror and desperation as young children they became brothers, sharing
together and loving each other as family. As they grew up they had a desire to
bring "confident Hope" to other children without parents and without someone to
care for them. This ministry and family has grown beautifully and abundantly!
There are 82 children in the family who now have education, food, and most
importantly Family. These are the ones we visited today. As soon as our bus
pulled up, we were swarmed with Joy and the sweetest smiles in the world. They
welcomed us with letters and prayed over us. These children and their leaders
live in the freedom and satisfaction that Jesus is who he says he is. I don't
walk this out daily. It is true and it is real that Jesus is enough for each of
us and his presence can fill our hearts completely. Our young friends in Rwanda
believe it and it pours out of them. Today we were changed forever. Most of
these children are extremely poor and the BFR program is their only way of
support, school, and security. Today unexpectedly they told us that we would be
joining them in blessing a mother of 4 who lives on top of a mountain that is
living in extreme poverty. "Just up the hill" actually meant an hour hike up a
slop. The Africans were definitely showing up us Americans haha.  They kept
asking if we were okay, and we lied and said "YES"...but we were struggling.
Anyways, they led us with love, held our hands making sure we didn't fall, held
back briers and let us always go before them. Both the younger and older
children are the most loving servants to us. They have a sense of family and the
kingdom of God in their hearts that we have got to get. "We welcome you and love
you too much, you came as visitors and we are blessed, but now you're our Best
Family" On the journey there were intimate conversations and sharing between all
of us and our new friends. A 19 year old boy was very adamant on sharing the
truth with me that "God is ALL" I won't ever forget the simplicity of those
words. We reached the top of the mountain and the 15 of us squeezed in this home
built out of trees, and mud dirt. Our Rwandan friends waited outside as they
sang and danced. In the very small worn out home was a woman breast feeding her
baby. We brought with us a week supply of needs and food for her. She humbly
received the blessing. As our leader translated, her tender heart was spilled
out. Her words "this is only a heavenly blessing, I pray God repays you because
only he is able" We prayed with her and loved her in those moments. She then
wanted to pray for us. We were completely blown away. Today we were expecting to
love and share with these children, Instead they wanted us to experience real
Joy from blessing 1 family way up on a mountain. THAT is a reflection of the
deep Love that the Father shows us. Our friends at BFR are in need, they have so
much less than us, and still they didn't want from us today, they wanted to
serve with us. They have confident Hope and I believe that fully for them and
for us today. I am filled today! It is a true Joy to love and to be loved by our
family here. GOD IS ALL.

Tomorrow we look forward to a full day with the Best Family! Thank you for your
countless prayers. Please don't let up! We have so much love for our friends and
family back home!

Gretchen Bennett

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