Monday, July 1, 2013

Itinerary for Rwanda

Here is a copy of our schedule so you will have an idea of what we are doing while we are there. From what I remember and my Google search, Rwanda is 6 hours ahead of NC.

July 3
Day 1 Rest of team arrives in DC to catch our 10:15 AM flight to Kigali. We will have a brief layover in Addis (Ethiopia) on the way.  

July 4
Day 2 Arrive in Kigali at 11:55 AM. Meet our guide Peter after clearing customs, head to the hotel for dinner, money exchange and sleep!

July 5
Day 3 Breakfast at hotel. In the morning we will visit the Genocide Memorial Museum with Jean Claude and some of the guys from BFR (Best Family Rwanda). Lunch and spend the afternoon with the Best Family Rwanda.

July 6
Day 4 We will spend the day with the kids at Best Family.

July 7
Day 5 Morning worship at a Rwandan church with the BFR and spend the afternoon with them.

July 8
Day 6 Visit the Gasharu community with the Best Family. Dinner at hotel.
July 9
Day 7 Up early for the drive to Gisenyi. Lunch and day of rest at Imbabazi. Dinner at the Palms on Lake Kivu. Check in to Hotel Dian Fossey.

July 10-12
Days 8-10 We will spend these days at Noel and the ministries surrounding it. We will spend time at the orphanage itself, the special needs school, No. 41, and His Imbaraga.
July 13
Day 11 This morning starts our long journey home. Up early for our drive back to Kigali. Lunch and head to the airport for our 4 PM flight to Addis and then home to DC.
July 14
Day 12 Arrive in DC at 8:30 AM. We have rented a car and will be driving from DC.
Thank you in advance for your prayers. A lot to get done before we leave, so this post will be short.

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