Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Departure is nearing...

Well the time is drawing near to have to say goodbye to the kiddos.  I said goodbye to Kenna, but Bubba is still up watching the incredibles, and Ky is waking up at 4AM to see us off.  I am not good at goodbyes, but really not good with momma and the kids.  I do not like this part of the trip.  Running and packing all day, and the kids keep saying they are gonna miss me soo much.  When it gets to this point I just want to get off and running.  My kids mean the world to me, but Gods' will for my life is even more important.  People ask how can you leave your kids like this.  Well it is an extreme sacrifice for me, but it is what I feel called to do.  It would be wrong for me to ignore God leading me down this path.  It would be wrong for me to just ignore what I seen first hand last year, and act like everything is OK across the pond.  The poeple and kids we are going to see need to know Jesus, and that Jesus loves them.  We are going over there to be the hands and feet of Jesus to these kids who desperately need Him.  I need to finish up packing as we leave for the airport in less than 5 hours.  Please keep us in your prayers as we will be traveling for 24 hours.  God bless  Joe

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